Lago Vista Viking Theatre Company

Date | Event | Time | Cost |
11/9 | Seussical The Musical | 7pm | $15 Adults, $10 Child |
11/10 | Seussical The Musical | 7pm | $15 Adults, $10 Child |
11/11 | Seussical The Musical | 7pm | $15 Adults, $10 Child |
11/12 | Seussical The Musical | 2pm | $15 Adults, $10 Child |
11/14 | Friendsgiving Party | 4:30pm | Free. (Families will bring goods) |
2023/2024 OFFICERS
Maya Alanis
Jasi Bingham
Mackenzie Joshua
Aiden Neel
Ruby Rees
Upcoming Events
9/?: BBQ Social
10/28: Haunted Halls
11/8-12: Seussical The Musical
11/ 14: Friendsgiving
11/15-18: ITS Convention
12/?: December Event
12/?: Officer Winter Retreat
1/?: January Event
2/14: Valentine's Party
3/1: UIL OAP Public Performance
3/6 (?): UIL OAP District
3/?: March Event
4/?: April Event
5/10: Curtain Call (Banquet)
5/31: Officer Summer Retreat
Full Day (12 Hours) Facility Rental: $250
Partial Day (5 Hours) Facility Rental: $150
Board Operator per Hour: $5
Supervising Technician per Hour: $35
David Goza
[email protected]
Tech Director
Andrew Larkin
[email protected]
Theatre Productions
The director selects the shows in the production season that will best encourage and build the students’ talents and skills. The genres of the shows include but are not limited to Shakespeare, Contemporary, Children’s, Drama, Comedy, Musical, World Theatre, Commedia Dell'arte, and many more. Audition information can be found later in the Handbook.MAIN STAGE MUSICAL: The main stage production is the largest and most complex of the year (perhaps with exception to the musical). It takes place in the Viking PAC. This show definitely puts the actors and technicians to the test. Anyone and everyone is welcome to audition. The time commitment for the musical is more than the other shows; rehearsals for the musical normally last three months.BLACK BOX SHOW: This show takes place in the Black Box Theater! A smaller venue and a smaller cast. This production gives the students the chance to develop a different acting style for an intimate space.UIL OAP: This is the show the Lago Vista Vikings take to competition in
the spring. This show is also a class, but anyone may audition for it. The auditions happen a year in advance in order to be enrolled in the class. In addition to the audition there is also an interview that takes place before casting. Students MUST be enrolled in the class to participate.T.M.I.(TOO MUCH IMPROV): Viking Theatre’s Improv troupe. Students
must audition to prove their quick wit in order to be a part of this unique troupe of actors.
Get Involved
All of your work outside the classroom will make you eligible to become a member of Viking Theatre’s Charter Thespian Troupe. A student must earn 10 points, 5 of which must come from active involvement in Viking Theater activities and are approved by the program director. A student must also be a member in good standing of the Viking Theatre Company. Upon induction into the Thespian Troupe, members must continue to earn 10 points each year, as well as take part in one organized event. Members are eligible to attend the State Thespian Convention and compete in various acting and technical areas. Thespians are also eligible to wear Thespian graduation cords at graduation and are eligible for Senior Honors at “Curtain Call,” the end of the year banquet.
How to Audition
Auditions will be held at Lago Vista High School in the auditorium or Black Box Theater. Anyone can audition for a production, even if they have never taken a theatre course before. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!Step 1: Students Must Show Up
o Students are responsible for knowing dates/times of auditions, which can be found on our website, and by listening to classroom announcements.
o No late auditions will be permitted.Step 2: Students Must Be Prepared
o Students must dress comfortably and be able to move if the audition requires a physical component.
o Auditions may be “cold reads” which require no preparation; materials will be given at auditions.
o Musical Auditions require prepared materials.Step 3: Students Must Turn In Production Forms
o Students must fill out a production AUDITION FORM and turn it in on the day of auditions.
o CONFLICT CALENDAR and PRODUCTION CONTRACT must be returned by the day after auditions. No late forms will be accepted.Step 4: Students Must Check The Cast/Crew List
o Cast lists will be posted on the Viking Theatre Website, and on the callboard outside the Classroom.Important Reminders
o Auditions are closed to parents.
o If a student is not listed on the callback list, this does not mean they will not be cast
o If a parent or student has a question about the cast/crew list, they will be able to ask the director 1 week after the cast/crew list has been posted. No questions will be answered prior.
o The directors will not discuss the casting/not casting of any other student from the production.